Tenant Representation
Businesses that lease commercial real estate often work with a tenant representative to assist with securing the best possible space for the best price. This may include conducting a needs analysis to determine space requirements, identifying suitable properties, arranging property tours, and assisting you with determining what leasing terms may be best for your business needs. The tenant representative is there to represent the best interests of the tenant and can be a great asset to smaller and mid-sized businesses that may not have in-house real estate representation. They can also be a valuable resource for support after the lease is signed by assisting with building out the space and coordinating moving, lease renewals and subleasing space.
Your Trusted Guide
As business operations grow, you may need a commercial property that can better accommodate the expanding business, whether it’s a larger space, new location or a different floor plan with more options for configuration. Coldwell Banker Commercial® affiliated professionals specializing in tenant representation are there to help you find the best space to fit your evolving needs. From site selection to competitive research, assistance with determining what leasing terms may be best for your business and market analysis, our advisors can develop a customized real estate solution that helps you reach your business objectives.
Our Services
- Space planning – Your CBC® affiliated professional can analyze your business needs for the space, consider what activities will take place there and develop a plan to optimize the space including how to position furniture, fixtures and other elements.
- Negotiations Assistance – Our experienced affiliated advisors can assist with prioritizing your leasing terms, such as rental price, length, security deposit, maintenance and repair responsibilities, renewal options and weigh in on whether certain aspects of the lease are reasonable, so you may negotiate with the landlord strategically.
- Lease audit – A CBC affiliated tenant representative can audit your lease to help ensure the agreement is being properly executed and to understand and help you facilitate protecting your financial interests. This may include a careful review of the lease agreement and financial records of the property, such as rent payments, operating expenses and other charges.
- Site selection – The You can rely on our affiliated professionals to assist with site selection to ensure a space meets your business’s needs. They will consider factors such as location, accessibility, demographics, zoning, infrastructure and cost.
- Market analysis – We can help you make the best choice by analyzing market trends, competitive properties, tenant demand and economic factors to identify any opportunities or challenges.
- Demographics – Your CBC® affiliated advisor can help you make informed decisions about where to locate based on the potential customer base in the area and how to best serve this audience.
- Drive time analysis – CBC professionals can help identify opportunities where there may be a gap in the market or where you could potentially capture customers who are currently traveling too far to access your products or services.
- Tenant fit-up – An affiliated tenant representative can advise you on how to renovate a property to meet your needs, including referring contractors and vendors, project management and acting as liaison with the landlord.